Bone Marrow Donation

So the results are in... and we have TWO sibling matches - Rocky and Baby! So not only are we beyond thankful to have a perfect donor, we now also have a response the next time someone says to us; “FIVE children? Are you mad?!?” Can you imagine if we’d stopped after three?

Scooby is still not at the point where he’s ready for transplant, but they have moved him into the Bone Marrow unit already, to make sure he’s in the right place for when the time comes, and also because he needs the stricter infection-controlled environment to protect his fragile system.

We haven’t explained the situation to Rocky yet (the doctors’ choice of donor) because we have no idea about timing and to be told at four years old that you may or may not be having an operation to save your brother’s life is a pretty large piece of information to swallow!

Now that we know that part for us is secure and ready, I really want to ask if you were one of the people who were willing to come forward as a donor for Scooby, if you would think about signing yourself up on the register to donate to someone else. We are incredibly blessed to have so many family and friends willing to step forward for us, and there are many other people whose need is as great as Scooby’s, that don’t have matching siblings or as many generous friends and family.

For me, the biggest question is ‘What would I be signing up to do?’ so I found this video on the Anthony Nolon website about the process that a successful donor would go through:

I have to be honest, my first thought was ‘Hmm, not sure I’d want to be feeling a bit under the weather for a few days, that might not be convenient,’ before remembering that I’m expecting my four year old to do the same thing!! So although I know that right now I wouldn’t be available physically to go and donate, I have set a reminder in my phone for six months’ time, and to go off every month after that, until I’m in a situation where I know I could be spared from family commitments if I was needed as a donor, and then I will register. And anyone who knows me knows that I am the MOST squeamish person EVER when it comes to blood, veins and needles, so to decide to do this is no little thing at all. It’s only through watching Scooby have stuff taken from him and put into him on a daily basis without complaining that I could muster up the guts to do it.

So watch the video, go to the website and if you can’t register straightaway, set a reminder on your calendar and do it soon.

How great would it be if FORTY people who were willing to donate to Scooby signed up to help other people instead? In fact, if you do it, add a comment at the bottom here and then we can count up how many people have registered as a result of Scooby’s story (this is for my sake – it helps me to make sense of all this!).



  1. Great news. We're keeping on praying. x

  2. Praise God!

    Have shared the blog on Aillidh's wall and am praying that she gets a donor as well. So glad that Rocky and Baby match. I'm sorry that Rocky will have to go through the procedure, but I'm praying that it saves Scooby.

    You know you have my love and prayers always.

    Mars xxx

  3. I'll do it. If I haven't by next time we meet you have my permission to hit me over the head with a frying pan.

    1. I will make sure I bring one ready (and in our house they're pretty large)

  4. Hey Esther, have submitted my application. Hopefully will be accepted. I would never have thought to do it or known about it or had the extra incentive to actually sign up if it hadn't been for your blog and your amazing family. I hope we can all be a part of saving as many lives as possible.
    You are all in my thoughts and prayers today, as always, love Rach x
    No frying pan for me now, but I am happy to beat Matt with one daily until he signs up if it would help!

  5. Hi Esther sorry, my application was unsuccessful for this, but I will go and give blood instead. I hope lots of people will be just as inspired to give their stem cells to an unknown person as they would have given them so readily for Daniel and I hope many more like Daniel but who don't have a sibling match will get a donor through this. Even if one person through your story goes through to give their stem cells or bone marrow it is one person you are responsible for saving, you are amazing! Imagine knowing that 40 people are getting better because you've raised awareness of giving stem cells that would be awesome.
    with love x

    1. Thankyou! I will suggest that to all those who are unable to go on the register.

  6. Hi Esther just gone though the first page of the application process but I am too old.....nice. Alison is coming home this weekend though and she has been following what is happening and I know that she is very keen to be an organ donor when the time comes obviously. So I will talk to her about this too.

    Feel quite sad that I can't help, hey ho. There must be lots of us that want to do something and feel totally helpless.
    Love and hugs

  7. So sorry guys I am not eligible either.
    It takes me back to a time when a close friend needed a bone marrow transplant and her match came from someone in Italy!
    I'm so glad you have sibling matches and I hope and pray all goes well when Scooby is strong enough to go through with the procedure.

  8. Hi Esther ( & Richard). It would seem that I'm too old to be a donor! 60th birthday last week. It is an unfortunate side effect of getting older & wiser? Janine and I are praying for you all and will continue throughout the coming weeks. The song God is Able comes to mind and we all need to ask Him to prevail for His glory and the welllbeing of Daniel. God bless Malcolm.(Sarah's Dad)

  9. all signed up... waiting for my spit kit!!!

  10. Bother. 41 so too old. Joy. Anyway, just a thought- anyone who's fasting in the usual sense of the word- ie reduced/ no food- will probably have ketones in their breath due to burning fat during their fast. This might possibly flag up as a problem on the spit test as it can also be a sign of illness, so for the sake of a few days waiting, it might be worth anyone undergoing a full fast to wait and register once they've been back on food for a few days. It would be a shame to be rejected due to some imagined problem because you're fasting for Daniel.
    Bethany's decided to join me on my fast for Daniel. She's giving up GRAVY, which is a massive addiction for her since she came off her medically restricted diet last year, so that's massive for her! She has been known to just drink it from the jug!
    Love n hugs,
    Deborah-Lynn xx

  11. I don't know if you are aware but the NHSBT requirements for bone marrow donors on their register are different and they accept people up to age 49. I joined with them at a blood donor session and it was really easy.
    Look here for details

  12. Forgot to say so glad you have a match. X

  13. In response to this post, and in support of Daniel, I have just completed my initial registration with anthonynolan.

  14. I've just completed my Initial registration with Anthony Nolan, and will be encouraging those around me to think about doing the same (Though I almost fell at the first hurdle, by clicking the wrong box and declaring myself either under 16 or over 40... I'm not either of those... anymore/yet)
    Sending continued love and prayers for you guys!
    Beth xxxx


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